Our News: Stray Events in Shanghai

Shanghai Flea market-II

Stray-Shanghai and Cat Shanghai will be holding a charity flea market on Jan 30-31, 2010. We will be selling donated books, clothing, hand made goods and much more. Information on kittens and cats waiting for adoption will be also available.

Jan 30 14:30-18:00
Jan 31 10:00-18:00

Taikang rd., 220 2F at "Loops Space" studio

Welcome anyone who is looking for a good weekend bargain!

The Weekend Flea Market was definitely a success. We've raised enough money for Sharlotta's and other male cat's sterilization and vaccination. But most importantly, we talked to our guests about stray animals, spreading the humanitarian message, met new supportive friends who are not indifferent to the problem of stray animals.

We would like to thank once again all those who kindly donated books, clothing, home items, etc.

Thank you for your support!